Case Study

Anime List

Web Development

Anime list Logo

This was an school project where I worked in the Node framework. In this we had to create a site in Node.js.
For this project I worked with the languages HTML, SCSS, CSS, JS and the template enigine EJS.

It’s a website where the customer could list their anime and grade it. This was all connected to the user’s account which was registerd in my Mongodb database.

In this project I used a linter and other useful extensions to get the best result. I designed and created the site with the design philosophy progressive enhancement.
This way I can give the user the best user experience of the website.

Furthermore I implemented 2 different API’s, a drag and drop: so the user can drag their items in the desired order. 2 A third part API called Animechan. The API adds random quotes from animes at the bottom of the detail page for animes.

The results

Anime list color pad
Anime list overvieuw screen
Drag and drop API
Ainme Info page